Low Silver High Reliability Solder Paste
· Low cost
· High reliability: only 0.3% Ag in the alloy, but its joint strength performs better than SAC 305
· Low voiding
· Excellent solderability: solve the poor solder wetting problems of some important Pb-free components, eg. CSP, QFN etc.; Good solderability on various lead-free board / component finishes, including OSP, HASL, ENIG
· Outstanding printability: long stencil life - 12 hours with continuous and consistently printing
· Print speeds of up to 150mm/s , enabling a fast print cycle time and a high throughput
· Wide reflow profile window: reflowable in air or nitrogen, enables high quality solderability of complicated, high density PWB assemblies
· Excellent solder and flux cosmetics after reflow soldering
Products DETAILS
Low Silver High Reliability Solder Paste
PCB assembly, including smartphone, Tablet PC, motherboards, consumer electronics, web server, Automobile electrical system, and equipments of medical, military or aerospace etc.